I am a year 8 student at Glen innes school. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Ramkolowan

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Alyssa Learns shapes

I have been learning about fractions. Today we learnt how to draw a fractions of shapes in the drawing program. Sometimes it was hard getting all the fractions the same size.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Alyssa Writes Her Narrative Egypt

One sunny unexpecting day I went to the shops. When I was walking I didn’t notice a hole so I fell into the hole.I came to this place I didn't know this place until I met a nice woman her name was Mia. Mia showed me around she showed me the Pyramids,they languge and many things I never knew.  Next she took me inside when I got inside there was a problem I met another woman and a man their names were Laney and Matthew

Then when I met them there was a problem with the huge water clock it wouldn’t work and I said to my small brain “ I wonder if they have any water”. So I asked “Do you have any water” and they replied “ No”  so I started to worry. The next day I was trying to get some signal.  To solve the problem.

Next I got some signal and i trying and trying to solve the problem but it was no use until when I went up close to the huge water clock. I saw something and it was bad something was inside it and it needed to get out fast or it will DIE.  After that I went to tell Laney,Mia and Matthew why the water clock won’t work so. I told them “ When I went up close to the clock there is something in there and it is camel a very very small  camel”.    After a while they thought of a idea they finally came up with a idea and it was great  it was to work as a team. Try to get that camel out of the clock and we all can have a nice glass of water so they worked together and the camel got out it was a big day today.

I learnt a lot from a narrative I learnt to use dialogue,adjectives,adverbs,similes,metaphors,connective,past tense what is going to happen also what will happen.I love doing narratives because I love  making up stories that are not true.    

Alyssa learns through Cartoons

I have been learning direct speech through cartoons.  We had fun doing these cartoons. Next time I hope we can do a story in cartoons.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Alyssa Learns Mathematics

This is a snapshot of my learning in mathematics.   I was learning my multipaction. I found it hard to do because it was in the 7's.   Next I want to learn about Literacy.