Entertaining day
Monday morning was time for the sports camp children to go. Our principle planned for it since term one. So all the non sports camp kids all got split up into room ten and under. I was so disappointed because I only had one friend that was in the same class as me. But there was only one day out of the whole week that was the best and it was Thursday.
Thursday morning all the non sports camp people were part of a show. It was held in our school hall. When we entered the hall and we were introduced by a lovely lady named Max. She was the lady that put together the group. Then she introduced us to the dancers, their names were Mikey,Justin,Toto and Favta. We played a quick game of Pukana and Bus Stop and after we played those games we got split into 3 groups because there were fifteen of us. I was in Toto’s group with Asiana, Megan, Lorenzo and Tane. We practised until morning tea because we all wanted it to be perfect.
After morning tea, we had to line up and greet all the classes including the teachers. I was getting nervous because I was frightened that everyone was going to laugh at me. As we all sat down, I started to have butterflies in my stomach. The show that Mickey,Toto,Justin and Favta was about puppets and it was really interesting and funny. They had a magic ball and they threw it to anyone in the hall who put their hand up.
When it was my group to get up and dance we all went up and it was frienting but I think we did a good job then we all came together (as in the group’s that had to dance) and we did another dance. As soon as we finished the show all the classes left and we had to clean up and help Mikey,Justin,Toto and Favta take their stuff into their van.
Finally after we helped them get their stuff into their van we went with Miss Lammas to do some sports. I felt very relaxed when it was over because I knew we didn't have to do it again.