WALT: Write a recount
Make the chain and measure it.
Monday 23 November 2015 in maths my class room 11 was making a chain out of Red and Green paper. We had to be in buddies, my buddie was Shanelle. Our teacher wanted us to do this because we were learning about estimation. But before we started making a chain we had to estimate how long the chain would be.
Firstly Shanelle and I both agreed to only do 1 cm on the width side. Then we started ruling 1 cm on the paper. I did the green and Shanelle did the red. After we cut the paper we decided on our pattern. Our pattern when red,green,red,green.
Next we started cutting it. It was difficult because I can’t cut a straight line and because I was cutting fast. After we finished cutting we glued and attached them together to create our chain. It was really easy but my hands got really sticky.
Thereafter we were finished and we had to measure it to see how long it was. We ruled our chain against one meter ruler but some people made a chain more than one meter so we had to use two one meter rulers.
Finally we got our measurement and it was 192 cm. It was way over Shanelle and I’s estimation. But I felt happy of what Shanelle and I accomplished.
Our chain was different to everyone else’s because we did it differently. I learnt to not make the paper thick or the chain will be short. It's better to make it thin. Instead of cutting the paper we could of used the ruler to rip through it.