I am a Year 8 student at Glen Innes School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Ramkolowan.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Enlargement in Geometry
Enlargement in Geometry
WALT: Enlarge pictures
Today in Maths we had to enlarge the lion. Everyone ha a different choice or they did the same thing. I drew this by following the squares and after counting I draw it in each square. I found this quite easy because I knew where to draw it but, but then it started to get difficult because I couldn’t draw it probably. Next I would like to enlarge a tree.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Making our own Tessellation
WALT: use symmetry to create tessellation
Today for maths, we had to create our own shape on the computer. It was kind of difficult to get the shape to fit next to each other. But once they did fit it was okay. We had to do this because for maths we are learning about tessellation and symmetry.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Today in maths we had to create our own tessellation. It took me the whole session to finally complete it because I didn't know what kind of pattern to do.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Showing emotion and feelings
For reading Miss Donaldson gave us a task to do. We had to go on this site and pick four different figurative language. I chose Showing emotion and feelings. I found it hard because I didn't know how to Show and tell.
Inference Task 1- Showing emotion and feelings
Nervous- Her cheeks turned bright red
He stood there like a statue with sweaty hands
It was her turn to go on stage and she got butterflies in her tummyWednesday, 2 November 2016
Today for maths I played Perimeter shoot game. The first time I played this it was hard because I didn't know perimeter but I kept playing and now I get it. As you can see I got 93%, I only missed one because I rushed it and I got it wrong. The next time I would like to learn is Area.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Brooke Neal
Brooke Neal has achieved her goal. When she was in year 12 she set a goal for herself "Go to 2016 Rio Olympics" and she made it. While she was in Rio she made a chart with things she would to. One of them had "I am powerful." She said it to herself everyday while she was there. Her brother Shay is a hockey player too, She followed in his footsteps because she said that he was so inspiring to her. Brooke Neal has inspired me not to give up on my goals.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Brooke Neal
Friday, 21 October 2016
Acrostic Poem: Frustrated
Alyssa and Trinity
WALT: write an acrostic poem using alliteration
Acrostic Poem: Frustrated

ire formed fast throughout the house
oofs ran round in circles
nexpected ugliness in the sky
Trong smoke swallowed the town
win twirling tornado raced through the area
apid rain filled the ground
bandoned animals cried of hunger
rees tackled by the wind
agar eagles flew to safety
ark danger approached
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Personification paragraph
At the Beach
A burning summer day, is a lovely day for the beach. Howling on a full moon is the sound of the wind. Twirling and whirling like mini sand storms. Gulping seashells into the mysterious blue sea. The sand swallowing my feet leaving footprints.
A burning summer day, is a lovely day for the beach. Howling on a full moon is the sound of the wind. Twirling and whirling like mini sand storms. Gulping seashells into the mysterious blue sea. The sand swallowing my feet leaving footprints.
Monday, 17 October 2016
For Maths I did stage 7 and got 95%. I still need to learn how to convert big fractions into percentages and percentages into big fractions. The next time I do a stage 7 I will get 100% hopefully.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Personification Poem
At the Beach
A burning hot day
At summer bay
The crashing waves
Raced across the sand
Boogie boards soared through the sea
Falling over makes it hard to see
Sinking to the bottom touching the cold floor
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Reading e-asttle
This is my reading e-asttle. I got a 4P and I have reached my goal because at the start of this term I wanted a 4P or a 4A. I am happy with my result.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Maths e-asttle
This is my maths e-asttle results. I got a 3A, and I'm not really happy with my score because I wanted a 4B-4P.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Independent Activity- Science Fiction Narrative
Last week while the children went to sports camp my teacher left us some work to do. I made this presentation to make it easier to understand how to write a science fiction narrative.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Monday, 5 September 2016
Expression- No equal sign
Variable- Mathematical term of letters
Coefficient- A number just before the letter
Constant- A number that is alone
- The letters must be in alphabetical order
- When the letters are the same, add the numbers and leave the same letter
Friday, 26 August 2016
Friday, 19 August 2016
Monday, 15 August 2016
Chalk art
On Friday, after morning tea Rooms 7&8 did chalk art outside on the school court. We have been planning the chalk art for 3 weeks and we finally did it. Before we started we had to plan our olympic sport that we wanted to do. It was pretty difficult to get the right angle but we all had to be separated so each other’s work wouldn’t go over each other’s work. Lastly our teacher took a picture of us laying down with the chalk. She stood on an ladder to take a better photo.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Friday, 5 August 2016
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Cook Island Language Week
Today after morning tea, some visitors from the Auckland Museum came to our school to tell us about their history and culture. There were some activities that some kids did. They tried tying the 2 wood planks together with string, and some kids tried drilling a hole in the wooden board. Though it wasn’t a normal drill that you get from Mitre 10. It was a special drill that their ancestors used. It was really interesting watching them and learning about their culture.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Everyday Theatre
Everyday Theatre
Today instead of doing maths,reading and writing Room 7&8 had a theatre day about family relationships. Before we started Katelyn and Julie showed us some scenes of what the theatre is about and they did it as if they were in a video game. After that room 7 went to their own class and did their own thing. We played some games,earned some points and lost some lives. They used a video game because kids these days like to play video games so they made a connection. What I most enjoyed was acting out scenes and watching the other scenes. During the game Katelyn gave us passwords for each level, finally in the end we got the message. EVERY CHILD HAS HOPES AND DREAMS.
Monday, 25 July 2016
Friday, 8 July 2016
Decorating muffins with patterns
Decorating muffins with patterns
WALT: Study in algebra
Yesterday room 8 were having a competition with decorating the best muffin but we only had 10 minutes to create a pattern. My pattern was banana,orange,banana,orange and a fruit loop on top. I found this easy because I knew what pattern I was going to do, but mine didn’t get picked because it wasn’t creative. Miss Donaldson choose 5 outstanding patterns. Then Nick had to choose the best one out of the 5 and the outstanding muffin was Ketura’s. The next thing I want to learn is perimeter and area.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Saturday, 2 July 2016
The Motivated Walkers
During the presentation there were some photos of their walk and he was talking about his experience and what was going on while they were walking. A few people dropped out after a few hours because they couldn’t walk any longer or they had an injury. We came to a slide with questions about what our goals are and what we are going to do to achieve them so Dreydon gave us a few minutes to discuss with a partner. He even showed us their goal that they managed to achieve.
We were getting to the slides about safety and what they would need to have while walking. The things they needed was a camel back bag with a drinking tube connected to their bag, also some snacks in their side pockets and the middle part. They also needed some comfortable shoes for walking in the mud and uneven surfaces, there were two other important supplies a head torch for when it gets dark and a beacon for the rescue helicopter if anyone got hurt.
It came to the end of the presentation with a picture of the whole group. The great news was that 3 people completed the 80km walk in 23 hours. Dreydon also mentioned a lady that had a broken finger and her doctor told her to rest but she didn’t listen. She was also the only female that completed the 80 km walk, she also got a award.
Friday, 1 July 2016
Caterpillar slider
In this game I had to put the number in order to make a pattern. I found this very easy because the numbers went up in 1's then 2's but they are small numbers, I even did it to the max. Next I was to do patterns with bigger numbers.
Monday, 27 June 2016
Friday, 24 June 2016
The Lucky day
“First day of summer” beamed Jacob from his window. He had been waiting for summer to come all semester. Jacob is just an average kid, loved sports, did good in school, had a loving heart also a passion for camping. It was the last night at home until Jacob went camping for a few days. He made sure his phone was charged, enough food, enough water and proper clothes and shoes.
A beautiful blue sky, blistering summer sun, it was a perfect day to go camping. Around 10 o’clock Jacob started his hike. Since Jacob was hiking he didn’t want to get bored so he kept himself occupied with his catchy music and trendy dance moves. After a couple of songs Jacob lost his contraction and his mind was somewhere else.
A few hours went fast like a blink of an eye. The blistering sun was settling down while the relaxed moon made it’s way to the indigo sky. Jacob hadn’t found a place to sleep but since it was getting dark he placed his tent in the middle of nowhere. As soon as the tent was up Jacob made a nice-heated fire and put together a delicious meal.
In the middle of the Jacob woke up. He could hear growling wind which sounded like howling wolves on a full moon. The ground was hard as a rock which made it uncomfortable for him. It was no use for him to sleep but he tried hard and eventually he fell fast asleep. Early dawn he packed his stuff and started hiking again he was on a mission to go to his favourite camp place.
During the day he came upon an unsteady path with lots of slippery rocks. Jacob didn’t worry too much because he thought he had to right pair of shoes on, but he was wrong!. He was dragging his feet across the path until he slipped and fell down a hill. As he was proceed to go now the hill he scraped his leg on a sharp pointy rock.
He reached the bottom, he couldn’t breathe properly, gripping onto his leg like it’s going to fall off, his face turning red, painting like no tomorrow. But apparently it was his lucky day the helicopters saw him laying helplessly on the dirty ground and rushed him to hospital. Jacob was so thankful that the helicopters were there to save him from torture. So for the rest of the summer he had to recover and look after his leg.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Ngā Tātarakihi o Parihaka
As Rarawa was kneading the bread she heard that the government men were coming. She was shocked but Aunty Maata was okay with it because they come and go saying the same thing but they never listen. While Rarawa was running through the streets she was messengers everywhere. At the river she didn’t worry about her clothes she just dived right in. When Rarawa stuck her head out of the water, her friend asked her if she could hear the soldiers, Rarawa was scared that she got out of the water as fast as could and they went back to the village. The pakeha government were marching down the fences and destroying crops, but they brang no violence. Rarawa father was sent to jail when she was 12, she is now 13 and she was worried that she wouldn’t see him again. The soldiers were coming closer to Rarawa and the girls as they were slapping the poi’s on their hand. People of Parihaka greeted the soldiers with peace. As the children were singing with great power the soldiers pushed their way through and the smell of their sweat was too overpowering. Then they told the people that they had to leave. Everyone was in shock. They also took Te Whiti and Tohu.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Jump rope for heart
Last week Friday Glen Innes school went to GI center to show everyone our skipping routine that all the classes have put together. Every year we go to GI center to support the heart foundation.
Friday, 17 June 2016
Maths e-asttle
Today I sat a L3/4 strand test. As you can see I got a 4B I am happy that I got a 4B because I hardly ever get 4’s so this is a miracle. I found this test alright it wasn’t easy and it wasn’t hard. But my goal is to get a 5B at the end of the year.
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
This week my group has been learning about additicitions. Yesterday we made a poem and poster about it. We were learning about addictions because it is related to our topic studies. For me it was easy to do a poster but writing a poem was hard.
Friday, 3 June 2016
Scatter graph
Scatter graph
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This week we have been learning about scatter graphs. We made paper planes but they had to be 3 different sizes big,medium and small. We had to throw the paper planes and measure how far they got in cm. It was really hard because each group only had 2 tape measures. Once we had our measurements we had to record them into our books. When that was done we had to plot our measurements. Then we had to draw one straight line to connect as many points as possible. Next I would like to learn about kilometers.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Alien Cookbook
This week we have been learning capacity,length and mass and the game I was playing was about capacity. I was very easy because it told me what to do. I understand a lot more now.
Friday, 27 May 2016
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
How to be a good egg
Last weekend I was a meaningful kiwi because I sold all my tickets for the hangi.
Friday, 20 May 2016
Cement in a cup
Walt: Make 3D art
For the last few weeks room 7&8 have been doing cement in a cup for art. It was a fun experience. My favorite part was putting the cement into the cup. I would love to take it home.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Puns/Play with words
WALT: Understand/find 2 meanings to puns
Used 2 pictures
- Mr Hendricks. Real meaning
- Picture-sport fun- draw eyes on the ball
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Shorty's dream
WALHT: Write a interesting and enjoyable narrative
It was just one hot summer day. The sun was hot like a heater. Alex wasn’t a normal boy he couldn’t do things like other people because he was to small. Alex had brown eyes and short black straight hair. Alex loved all things that had to do with danger even though he was small. All Alex had wished for was to be big. He was in the alleyway until something caught his attention.
It was just one hot summer day. The sun was hot like a heater. Alex wasn’t a normal boy he couldn’t do things like other people because he was to small. Alex had brown eyes and short black straight hair. Alex loved all things that had to do with danger even though he was small. All Alex had wished for was to be big. He was in the alleyway until something caught his attention.
“I wonder what it would be like to be big?” Alex kept repeating to himself. Alex had used all his 11:11,birthday wishes and shooting star wishes to be big. While Alex was walking he overheard two big,buff and scary men with stubbles talking, they sounded as if they were mad like a roaring car luckily they didn’t notice him. The two men were planning to kidnap someone. Alex couldn’t believe it but he knew he wasn’t just going to leave like he didn’t hear anything. He will come back tomorrow afternoon.
Alex went walking again down the alleyway hoping he wouldn’t be seen by the two big men. Minutes later Alex heard a van pull up and men running out like a tsunami was coming. *Moment of darkness*, Alex woke up strapped to a chair next to another person. His hands were sweating like he's been running for hours,heart pounding like beat drops and kept stuttering. He didn’t want to die.
While Alex was strapped to the chair he felt a little weird like something was happening to his body, he started to get a headache. *Boom* the chair broke and he was growing bigger. The two big,buff and scary men tried to wrap the rope around his legs. He grabbed the other person and went away. However Alex took the two men to the police station. Alex loved being tall although he couldn’t get in his house.
He was too big, he started shrinking and shrinking. “AHHHH” shrieked Alex “ ohhh thank god that was just a dream”.
Friday, 13 May 2016
Prototec Basic Facts
Today for basic facts I did stage 8 and I got 85%. I thought it really hard when I first started but then Shanelle taught me how to do it and I understand it a little better. But I still need to learn how to simplify big fraction numbers and fraction size.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Saturday, 7 May 2016
The 4 operations
WALHT: Use the order of operation-BEDMAS to solve problems.
This online activity was a practise to see if we understood BEDMAS. I didn't find it easy I found it quite hard because I don't have a full understanding of how to work it out. I want to keep learning BEDMAS so I can do it mentally in my head.
This online activity was a practise to see if we understood BEDMAS. I didn't find it easy I found it quite hard because I don't have a full understanding of how to work it out. I want to keep learning BEDMAS so I can do it mentally in my head.
Thursday, 5 May 2016
Memories with my mum
Memories with my mum.
The best memory with my mum was when I first saw her.
I love my mum. She is the best and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. My mum always helps me when I am stuck or when I don’t understand anything she will make sure I do. If there is something from school she will help me even if she doesn’t understand it completely because that’s how much she cares about my education. My mum always comes to my school events and encourages me a lot to try new things. My mum has sacrificed a lot for me, even when she is mad at me she still takes care of me. When she is sick she still cooks me something to eat.
The best memory with my mum was when I first saw her.
Saturday, 16 April 2016
Ice-cream sandwich
WALHT:Write a description
It was freshly cold from the freezer. A small rectangle with two crunchy squares squishing between them are hard bits of delicious chunks of inviting chocolate. As it reaches your mouth you can feel the cold air on your lips, take one bite and your mouth will be melting like a milkshake in your mouth. You’ll be wanting seconds.
Saturday, 9 April 2016
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Saturday, 2 April 2016
Maths man
Today I was playing maths man, it was easy because I knew my fractions but I was shocked because it was the first time I reached level 8.
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